African Ancestry MatriClan
Find out where in Africa and which tribe your mother is from.
Service Description
With our DNA swab African Ancestrys MatriClan™ will reveal your African country of origin and ethnic group on your mother’s maternal line. Our test reveals your mother’s maternal roots from 500 - 2,000 years ago. The MatriClan™ Test traces maternal ancestry by analyzing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) women and men inherit exclusively from their mothers. Men AND women can take this test. In fact, you share the same mtDNA as your mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on. Therefore, your results are the same for your siblings, maternal aunts and uncles, maternal cousins, etc. Your results are also the same for your children and your daughter’s children. Please note that the results take around 8-10 weeks to arrive.
Contact Details
Head Office (Level 9, PanJam, 60 Knutsford Blvd, Kingston)
Whos The Daddy, Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica