African Ancestry PatriClan
Find out where in Africa and which tribe your father is from.
Service Description
With our DNA swab African Ancesterys PatriClan™ will reveal your African country of origin and ethnic group on your father’s paternal line. Our test reveals your father’s paternal roots from 500 - 2,000 years ago. The PatriClan™ Test traces paternal ancestry by analyzing the Y chromosome men inherit exclusively from their fathers. Since only men carry a Y chromosome, women CANNOT take the PatriClan™ Test. But luckily, women may trace their paternal lineage by having a male relative from their father’s side take the test for them. The results of his PatriClan™ Test will be the same for his father, grandfather, children, siblings, brother’s children, paternal aunts and uncles, etc. Please note that the results take around 8-10 weeks to arrive.

Contact Details
Head Office (Level 9, PanJam, 60 Knutsford Blvd, Kingston)
Whos The Daddy, Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, Jamaica